The problem is that according to your manual you get a length that does NOT correspond to the location where the equipment is located, the other data seems to be correct.
Attached is the file generated by Netcat (udp_20000_fm3001_20190717.txt) when receiving the FM3001 device frame by UDP and the file generated by our driver (data.txt). Also the document in which it is explained how to decode the plot.
Below is the data encoded by our driver.
Data received by UDP [07/17/2019 12:25:29]
Data length: 00be
Lon dato: 190
Packet identification:: cafe
Packet type: 01
Packet id: 04
Imei length: 000f
IMEIHex: 383637303630303333343539303730
IMEI: 867060033459070
Codec id: 8e
Number of data: 02
Timestamp: 0000016c00f73df8
DateTime: 07/17/2019 12:24:59
Priority: 02
GPS data: c4ee0d300bb6d4c808cf01000d0000
Longitude: c4ee0d30
Lon: -33.0393528
Latitude: 0bb6d4c8
Lat: 19.6531400
Altitude: 08cf
Alt: 2255
Angle: 0100
Ang: 256
Visible sattelites: 0d
Satellites: 13
speed km / h: 0000
Vel km / h: 0
IMEI Team: 867060033459070
Lat: 19.6531400
Lon: -33.0393528
Alt: 2255
Dir: 256
Vel: 0
Date Time: 07/17/2019 12:24:59
Valid: true
Answer: [00] Success
Description: Update of UltimoRegistroequipo 867060033459070 successful. With r
egistro 41862
Alias: Susuki SX4
Date equipment time: 07/17/2019 12:24:59
Event: [---] Report omission
Location: Atlantic Ocean