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in Vehicle tracking by
I'm testing the FMB120.

It is a nice product but there are 2 usefull functions missing, that are implemented in other brands.

The first one is the improvment of GPS fix at startup. The GPS start very quickly in "Hot Start" mode. To start in "Hot Start" the GPS almanach must not be older than 1 hour. Keep the GPS awake 24/24 drain to much battery. The solution that i've seen somewhere else: In sleep mode, it can be very usefull to have an option to wakeup the GPS every hours and go back to sleep when fix is valid (or after a timeout). This can be done during a configurable period (24/48/72h).

The second improvment is to have the "Static GPS navigation" only on "Accelerometer" (Actually there is only "Movement" or "Ignition").

Hope it can be implemented in future firmware version....

3 Answers

0 votes
Hi there,

Static navigation can be configured the way you described  . Sure it only has "movement " and "ignition " under Static navigation settings to choose from, however if you look closely you will see that you can define those two setting . Movement source can be ignition, accelerometer,GNSS or CAN speed . Ignition source can be DIN1.Accelerometer,Power Voltage ,Engine RPM,

As for  GNSS fix, cold start only takes 35s ,in some cases even less . By the time you sit down, put your seatbelt on and start moving that time is almost gone .

More useful info can be found here:

Have a nice day
Thanks you for your answer.

For static navigation I can't use movement because I don't want any positions recording when I am in stop mode BUT I need position recording when Ignition is ON and truck is not moving (in this case I need static navigation). For my purpose, movement must be configure to ignition only.

For GNNS Fix I agree with you that cold start is 35s in Technical Datasheets. In reality it takes from 45 to 2mn and during GPS fix you have some GPS positions jumps (i've see jumps to more than 150 meters). Fix in 35 seconds is where you put the tracker outside of the truck and in landscape without building and trees.

Have a nice day.
0 votes
by anonymous

Thank you for the suggestions.

Fortunately, everything you want to be implemented already exists, so you don't have to wait! :)

Just head over to to download FMB120 base firmware, configurator, user manual, and protocols.
user: FMB1XY
pass: BB120F1
Archive password: 1234

Now regarding your questions:

1.The first one is the improvement of GPS fix at startup. The GPS start very quickly in "Hot Start" mode. To start in "Hot Start" the GPS almanach must not be older than 1 hour.

Startup times for Teltonika GNSS module TM2500 are:
• Hot Start < 1s
• Warm Start < 25s
• Cold Start < 35s

2.Keep the GPS awake 24/24 drain too much battery. The solution that I've seen somewhere else: In sleep mode, it can be very useful to have an option to wake up the GPS every hour and go back to sleep when a fix is valid (or after a timeout). This can be done during a configurable period (24/48/72h).

There are 4 sleep modes available for your convenience with configurable wake-up period to send data. Sleep mode is configured in System settings, wakeup period in the Data Acquisition on stop settings.


3.The second improvement is to have the "Static GPS navigation" only on "Accelerometer" (Actually there is only "Movement" or "Ignition").

This is also already implemented. You can choose your ignition or movement to be indicated by the accelerometer, and, therefore STATIC navigation will only depend on the accelerometer.

Ignition/movement settings are set in system settings window of the configurator, the same window where the static navigation is enabled.

Let me know if anything was unclear or if you have any further questions. Or upvote if you think this post answered your qiestion.
Have a great day. :)
Best regards,
by anonymous
"In sleep mode, it can be very usefull to have an option to wakeup the GPS every hours and go back to sleep when fix is valid (or after a timeout). This can be done during a configurable period (24/48/72h)."

This is actually a decent suggestion. It was implemented in older devices ie FM11/12/53 etc. Device in dsleep mode would occasionally wakeup and try to acquire gps fix. To update gps information -> so later when it does wakeup from dsleep -> into normal operation, so it would acquire gps fix faster.

@ FMB platform currently there is no such functionality. Will propose such suggestion for our management - and see if it'll get approval for implementation.

Regarding 2nd suggestion i guess the answers above should suffice.


First of all thanks you for your answers.

For static navigation I think i was not very clear.

I know that I can choose my ignition or movement to be indicated by the accelorometer.

But my I need the following use for my customers:

- The trucks stay without moving very long times (half of days) with ignition ON, because the trucks have some water pumps (and ignition need to be ON to use these water pumps). The customers need at least one real time position every 30 second to know if the truck is still working at the same place (and know the sensors states). This is on these GPS locations that I need to activate GPS static navigation.

- When the truck has ignition OFF my customers don't want any GPS location (only one IGNITION Status change). The FMB Devices should entry in deep sleep after one hour.

- The ignition must be configured with DIN1 because they don't want Ignition set by accelerometers.

To do this i configure the device with:

Ignition source: DIN

Movement source: Ignition

Data Acquisition On Stop:

Min period: 0 (so no GPS locations are recorded when in Stop Mode)

Min saved records: 1

Data Acquisition On Moving:

Min period: 30

Min saved records: 1

On I/O:

Ignition set to High priority / On change

=> With this configuration all is fine:

- Ignition is sent on Event Change

- When Ignition ON a GPS location (With pump sensor DIN2) is sent every 30 secs

- When Ignition is OFF no data are sent.

- Device go to Deep sleep mode after 1 hour.

With this configuration I have a "cloud" of GPS Records on the map when the trucks is working with ignition and not moving. Normal because I set a location to 30 sec when ignition is ON. But I can't activate static navigation because i can only choose Static navigation source with Movement (set to Ignition in my case) and Ignition (set to DIN 1).

Now if I update with the settings as you suggest: set Movement Source with Accelerometer (and/or Ignition).

-> Now static navigation is working

-> Each time the the FMB device stop moving (even with ignition ON) the FMB is in "On stop Mode" (because of Movement Source set to Accelerometer) and no GPS is sent anymore (normal I set On stop Min record at 0), but I need an update every 30 seconds.

Now If I set On stop Min records to 30sec, the FMB device don't entry in deep sleep mode because GPRS socket is never closed.

That's why if Static GPS navigation could be set to "Accelerometer", each time the device stop moving the GPS static navigation will be activated.

Perhaps there is a way to configure FMB devices to my needs but I can't find how to do this. Or perhaps it is not possible.

by anonymous

Static navigation is designed to lock down GPS position if device is not moving and GPS module is turned on. I.e. vehicle is stationary - like in your case.

So you could configure:

static navigation settings -> source -> movement source

movement source -> accelerometer

In this config - device will keep static navigation ON when those vehicles are stationary - either with IGN on/OFF - doesn't matter, because static navigation will check only movement.

Tho in this case when those vehicles will be stationary - device will not be updating coordinates from GPS, but gps module itself will be ON. (If ignition will be on ->  because then device will not go to deep sleep).

Because device does not go to deep sleep if either movement or ignition is ON.

Sleep mode description:

From all this explanation i still dont really understand where is the problem. You want GPS module to sleep while vehicles are stationary with IGN ON?

Or something else?

"That's why if Static GPS navigation could be set to "Accelerometer", each time the device stop moving the GPS static navigation will be activated."

Stat nav -> can be set to accelerometer. Like explained above.

Basically could you explain wheres the problematic behaviour in FMB - which you would like to happen. I.e. FMB does X, but i want Y. In situation Z. Sorry if you already explained it, but i didnt understand the problem so far.



Thanks you, let me explain you step by step:

I configure the device as you said:

static navigation settings -> source -> movement source

movement source -> accelerometer

In this config - device will keep static navigation ON when those vehicles are stationary - either with IGN on/OFF - doesn't matter, because static navigation will check only movement.

-> This is fine I have static navigation.

Now I want the folowing:

When Ignition is ON => I want to send one position every 8 seconds to the server (for sensors informations)

When ignition is OFF => I don't want to send any positions. => go to Offline Deep Sleep after one hour

How do you suggest me to configure de FMB ?

Thanks for your help.

0 votes
by anonymous
if you want device to send records to server every 8 seconds when ignition is on - you can't really do that. We don't have periodic record sending dependancy on ignition. What you can do, configure movement source as ignition. Then set in Data Acquisition Min period (Moving) to 8 seconds. So device will think it is moving if ignition is on, and will send records to server every 8 seconds.

While Ignition off - In system, configure deepsleep to 60 minutes and it will go to sleep after 1 hour