Configuration FMB010 : Firmware : FMB.Ver.03.25.15.Rev.32
When Beacon is activated, packet receive :
0181 = Element I/O ID : 385
0017 = Length of Beacon I/O element
11 = 1 Record out of 1 Beacon Record
21 = 0010 0001
Bit 5 – BLE beacon type : 0 – Eddystone; 1 - iBeacon
Bit 0 – signal strength 0/1
UUID :0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10
MAJOR :00ff
MINOR :00ff
RSSI :c3
The Beacon stay ON, but here are the received recordings (every 60 second):
Nota : When the Beacon is OFF the same packet is sent.
My question : Is it possible for the FMB010 to send the full frame as long as the beacon is active?
Thank you