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in Vehicle tracking by

We have an "unusal" use-case for FMB122: We don’t want to track something, but we want to localize. So we just want to know current position of our machines, and that only during they are in our factory. FMB122 will be powered by 12V-cigarette lighter (as long as main battery is not switched "off").

Now to my question: Sometimes we have very short drives in our factory, I'm afraid duration of drive is shorter than start-/boot-time of FMB122. I watched it took about 30 seconds until both LED's (Status- and Navigate-LED) are blinking. So is it possible to reduce start-/boot-time in Teltonika-Configurator?

1 Answer

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by anonymous


Thank you for your query,

Please note that start up time of FMB devices is not configurable. The hardware specifications are responsible for start up times and this can not be changed.

The start up times of GNSS module:

Hot start < 1 s
Warm start < 25 s
Cold start < 35 s

The device will start sending data when connected to operator and depending on the configuration of "Records Saving/Sending Without TS" section. If the "After Position Fix" is selected the device will only send packets after acquiring GPS fix, this may take a longer period of time, depending on the available signal of the satellites. 

Hope this helps,


Teltonika Support


> Please note that start up time of FMB devices is not configurable

Because you are saying "... FMB devices ...": Is it possible by other devices? For example FMT?

> Hot start     < 1 s

Sorry for that question, but how can a "hot start" be done?