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in Vehicle tracking by anonymous

Model: RUT955

I have enabled sending of the GPS location to an HTTP(s) server, which works great yes

However, I would like to throttle the number of GPS updates, as the router currently sends location updates every 10seconds or so, which uses a lot of mobile data.

On the RUT955 GPS Wiki Page I can see that one can configure a collecting and forwarding interval for the NMEA sentence settings. However, I assume this only works for NMEA forwarding and NMEA collecting. It would be great, if the NMEA sentence settings table could be extended so that it can be applied to the HTTP(s) server settings as well.




Could you help me  a little bit in testing? How do you receive the GPS data, if you check the NMEA forward option? I'm not developer, just want to test this function, before passing the router for our R&D. Any testing tool, suggestion would help me greatly.



1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous

I have enabled sending of the GPS location to an HTTP(s) server

debueb, do you mean TAVL server or AVL server? Cause there exist options to specify collecting and forwarding interval for AVL.

Thanks Kino atlet,

exactly, the option already exists for sending GPS data to AVL or TAVL server. However, it does not exist for sending GPS data to an HTTP(S) server.

The data send to the AVL / TAVL server is in proprietary binary format, the data sent to the HTTP(S) server is clear text NMEA sentences, which is easier to parse.

If Teltonika cannot or does not want to implement this feature for the HTTP(S) server, I will have to write a decoder for the proprietary format.
by anonymous
Just to make it clear, what is the name of that option - "the option already exists for sending GPS data to AVL or TAVL server"? I suppose that's "Send period"  in "AVL rule data configuration", because there are no other parameters to control how often data is sent to (AVL) server.

I believe, that for NMEA it should work similar way - "Forwarding interval" specifies how often data is sent to server. So you should try to increase "Forwarding interval" numbers for all types of sentences (and better adjust "Collecting interval" to be about the same).