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0 votes
in Vehicle tracking by anonymous

in the Teltonika Configurator I see on the top the Information "Ext Storage (used/total)" Used are 13MB from 122MB. I think this is the buffer memory when the device has no GSM connection, but the device have all the time good GSM Connection and we see the trips well on the server, so the question s are:

1: Why is there a used memory?

2: Will it delete automatically? Or must we plug the devices to PC every few weeks and click on "Format" in the Teltonika Configurator ?


1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous

1: Why is there a used memory?

10 mb is for logging. Device always logs 10 files each 1 mb of size.

With preconfigured logging filters.

last 3 mb - can be from last downloaded file to device. It can be either device configuration file or last FW update file.

So in your case i believe on SD card -> there are: 10x log files 1MB each + FW update file ~4mb.

2: Will it delete automatically? Or must we plug the devices to PC every few weeks and click on "Format" in the Teltonika Configurator ?

You dont have to delete that used memory. I very much doubt you would encounter a situation where you use up 100mb for data records.

1 record size varies - can be up to 1 KB maximum. But if less IO elements are enabled - then record size is smaller.

So lets imagine you have 100B of record size.

100 mb == 102400 KB == 104857600 B

converting to records count == 104857600 / 100 == 1048576

lets assume your device saves 1 record every 1 second. 1048576 seconds == 17476 minutes == 291 hours == 12 days.

Does your device ever go into such operational state - that it saves a record every 1 second for straight 12 days and during all that time does not have GPRS / GSM -> to send records to server?

I very much doubt so.

Also your device is very likely - does not have a configuration where it saves 1 record per 1 second. So if it saves less records -> it will last WAY more than 12 days.

Just some calculations.
