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in Vehicle tracking by anonymous

We currently have some devices that are configured using the ignition wire, but for some reason a couple of these devices are giving us problems since the vehicles are being transported using cranes. Because of this, the ignition is never turned on, which results in us not being able to see the route history of the vehicle.

My question is, how do I change the following I/O params for the FMA110 (FW 01.27.27):

I/O settings for Movement Sensor:

  • Enabled: true
  • Priority: high
  • Low level: 0
  • High level: 0
  • Generate event: on change
  • Averaging constant: 1

1 Answer

+1 vote
by anonymous
Hello BlueTurtle,

Thank you for the question.

Keep in mind that the device surrounded by metal might have a hard time finding GNSS/GSM connection.

Please take a look at

You will need to send SMS command "SMSlogin SMSpasw setparam ID value", in your case the command might be:

"  setparam 1400 1"

I/O#1 property parameter (ID=1400)
I/O#1 priority (ID=1401)
I/O#1 High level (ID=1402)
I/O#1 Low level (ID=1403)
I/O#1 logic operand (ID=1404)

The parameter defines when an event is sent: 0 – on range exit, 1 – on range entrance, 2 – both,
3 – monitoring, 4 – hysteresis, 5 – on changes

If you have any further questions don't hesitate to ask. Alternatively, upvote the answer if it provided a solution to your question.

Stay awesome and have a great day. :)

Best regards,

by anonymous

Hi Vytenis,

Thanks for helping me out!

Just to make sure i got this right. In order to change the i/o params for movement sensor, I need to do the use the following commands and params (i'll enter my user/pw when actually doing it).

  • Enabled: true = "  setparam 1400 1"
  • Priority: high = "  setparam 1401 1"
  • Low level: 0 = "  setparam 1402 0"
  • High level: 0 = "  setparam 1403 0 "
  • Generate event: on change = "  setparam 1404 5"
  • Averaging constant: 1 = ??

Please confirm so I can go ahead and change the params.

One more question: if a device is configured to use IGNITION as the stop detection source, do I have to change anything else besides changing "stop detection source" to "movement sensor"?

by anonymous

Hello again! :)

Just to make sure i got this right. In order to change the i/o params for movement sensor, I need to do the use the following commands and params (i'll enter my user/pw when actually doing it).

  • Enabled: true = "  setparam 1400 1" +
  • Priority: high = "  setparam 1401 1" +
  • Low level: 0 = "  setparam 1402 0" +
  • High level: 0 = "  setparam 1403 0 " +
  • Generate event: on change = "  setparam 1404 5"  - no need for an extra event generation Generate event: on change = "  setparam 1404 0"
  • Averaging constant: 1 = +

One more question: if a device is configured to use IGNITION as the stop detection source, do I have to change anything else besides changing "stop detection source" to "movement sensor"?

No, this is all you need.