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in Vehicle tracking by anonymous

 I need that with 0 mv dial 0%, with 3000mv dial 25%, with 6000mv dial 50%, with 9000mv dial 75% and with 11500 or more dial 100%, and send an SMS for each range.

1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous
Hello Ever,
Thank you for the question.
You can only configure SMS to be sent when the voltage is in one of 3 intervals
In the configurator->I/O->AIN
  1. Set your wished priority
  2. High level 8000, Low Level 4000
  3. Operand on both
  4. Select your number entered IN configurator->SMS \ Call Settings->Predefined Numbers (make sure you have SMS data sending enabled too)

This way you will get SMS if voltage crosses <> mark from either side 0-4000 <> 4000-8000 <> 8000-30000

If you're using AIN, to measure fuel level it probably doesn't work as you expect.
Voltage measurements have to be calibrated to the specific fuel tank.
This is because after measuring the fuel levels the graph might look like this:


If you have any further questions don't hesitate to ask. Or upvote the answer if it provided the solution to your problem.
Stay awesome and have a great day. :)
Best regards,
by anonymous

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You can send me a step-by-step example of how to configure the fuel measurement with AIN1.
And the shipping times of each SMS, example send value every 1 minute.