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0 votes
in Vehicle tracking by anonymous

I am very happy with the FMB 204 installed on board of my boat to check if the bilge pumps are activated during my absence.

Current consumption is about 20 mA and the power supply is a 10W solar panel with a <night> 1 Ah battery as backup.

I have a question about battery management: both with setting ALWAYS  and ON NEED, battery is not charged at least till 3,8 V (80%)

Actually there are two questions:

1 - why on ALWAYS the battery charger doesn't always work?

2 - I agree to stay on ON NEED mode to save energy, but I think the threshold should be higher, for instance 95%.

It is a pity in case of need to start with a battery that is only 70 % or less (I will check exactly the threshold). Do you agree ?

Many thanks in advance.   Gianluigi    Italy

1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous

Hello, Gianluigi and sorry for the time passed.

We value all feedbacks, because it helps us move forward and bring our clients a better product.

The ON NEED parameter is not configurable, and the threshold was selected keeping in mind all our products (some of them have a 45mAh battery) so in some specific cases, you could end up in a situation where there would be no difference between always and on need as your mentioned 5% threshold would be reached in minutes.
When ALWAYS is set in the Teltonika configurator, battery should be charged always but there are general conditions - 

  1. External Voltage is > 5.05V
  2. Battery Voltage <=3.9V
  3. Device is not in Deep Sleep
Also there is a charge TMO (for FMB204 it is 14 hours)
Best regards
Best answer
by anonymous

thanks for your kind reply.

FMB204 is a very nice gadget !
