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0 votes
in Vehicle tracking by anonymous
We have some heavy-duty mining equipment that does constant back and forth movement that covers 30 feet or less. When we try to validate the distance covered, we are not seeing any activity, though it is confirmed that the equipment has been moving. Using text, we set the minimum update interval to 5secs, but we are still not seeing any records of movement. Can you confirm what is the minimum distance that can be recorded between two points by the fmb920.

1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous

Hello Clarke, 

Good day. Thank you for your question.

If you are referring to the lowest distance to acquire a new record, that would be 1 meter. For more information, please refer here -

You may also check the lowest/highest values by moving your cursor to the designated box, as in the image below: 

Kind regards.

Best answer
by anonymous
Thank you for this. Is there a text command that i could use to adjust this value? These vehicles are in remote areas which makes it difficult to access them.
by anonymous


Example for you: admin 1234 setparam 10051 1

by anonymous

Hello Clarke, 

Thank you for your reply.

The SMS command structure will be as follows: 

With login and password : <login><space><password><space>setparam 10051:1

Without login and password : <space><space>setparam 10051:1

If you are sending via GPRS then you may skip the login, password, and <space>.

Kind regards