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+1 vote
in Vehicle tracking by anonymous

Device: FMB920; Firmware: FMB920.Ver.03.27.07.Rev.00

I am trying to use internal towing alarm SMS, the alarm activate works well (Towing alarm value 1).
But the SMS that is sent when towing alarm ends is wrong and is sent after every drive. (Towing alarm value 0).

That also happens when Towing alarm on (value 1) SMS was filtered out by Event Timeout.

So I constantly get towing ended (value 0) SMS messages even when I didn't get towing started (value 1) SMS messages.

I'm looking to either disable the towing ended (value 0) sms completely or find a fix to make it not send when not required (SMS with value 1 was not sent before.
by anonymous


Accelerometer Features:

3 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous


We would like to analyze your case, therefore please open ticket in VIP Helpdesk and provide all needed information: device IMEI, firmware version, configuration, answer for getver SMS command. If you don't have VIP Helpdesk login. please contact with your Sales Manager. If you don't have any contacts with our Sale managers, please contact with them on our official website and click on the "Contact Us" button. When you will click, please fill the form and submit it. Note: as a topic, please choose "Vehicle telematics".
Or you can send an e-mail with description of your situation to

Best Regards

0 votes
by anonymous

I have this same problem and only on FW version 03.27.07.Rev.00.

FMB920 randomly sending to me SMS with information about Towing Val:0 ( I don't get any SMS with Towing and Val:1 )

The car is parked in the garage. I try change Angle to 30 but it didn't help.
On firmware FMB.Ver.03.25.18.Rev.08.ev2.xim Towing working correctly.

In the FMT100 model such a problem does not occur on FW: 03.27.07.Rev.00.
0 votes
by anonymous
I have the same problem. When the teltonika sees the ignition turned off, it receives a text message immediately after 'activation timeout' val:0. When towwing detection is true, he gets a new sms val:1. I want to filter sms val:0
by anonymous


This is normal

This should be understood as an "armed"  (ready) system

Your device  activates towing function and inform that met when following conditions

Ignition (configured Ignition Source) is OFF

Activation Timeout is reached


Best regards