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in Vehicle tracking by anonymous 1 flag

Is it possible to identify if the vehicle battery level is low? How to monitor it?


1 Answer

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by anonymous

Hello Fabio, 

Good day. Thank you for your question.

Yes it is possible to identify the battery voltage by setting the high level and low level of the voltages in the I/O settings. So every time this voltage exits the limit, an event will be generated and there is an option to get SMS notification as well. Please refer to the image below:

Kindly try this and let me know if it helps.

Best regards.

by anonymous

Thanks for you answer.

It s clear that I can set the external voltage. So, what is the threshold value to identify that the vehicle battery is low and is advised to change? I am asking because I get "unplug detection" when the vehicle starts, so the voltage drops below the minimum.

Is also possible to read vehicle battery from CAN bus with FMB140 or FMB640?

Thank you
by anonymous


If you are receiving unplug detection event at the moment of ignition it could indicate that device is not properly installed since unplug detection is triggered when device does not detect external voltage. We would recommend verifying the connection as the device should not be losing external power source at the moment of ignition.

Is also possible to read vehicle battery

If you are referring to battery capacity (%) of the non electric vehicle, then no, it is not possible to read such parameter.

But regarding electric vehicles, depending on the model it is possible to receive parameters Battery Level on ALLCAN300 adapter.

Best Regards