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in Vehicle tracking by anonymous
I'm thinking about install FMB604 and  the Carrier reefer to read all values in the vector 1850, and I need to read the data from the temperature data logger installed, Transcan2 of SevenTelematics.

This temperature data logger has a rs232 port with simple commands.  

Do you have any device supporting reading this temperature datalogger values?

(there are some datalogger brands but we use Transcan2)

1 Answer

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by anonymous

We do not have device that supports this logger and would be able to send correct values to the server.

But you can use RS232 TCP link mode, connect it with our deivce and it will send RAW data, that can be parsed on the server side for their values.

Best Regards
The logger sends the temperature as response for a command, so I need to send a comand too.  

Can I configure something in the GPS to send every 5 minutes using RS232 a text string to get the response from the temperature data logger?

If you want more info about this to implement in your devices, let me know and I can send you info. Simple command, simple response.

Truck fleets with refrigerated trailers has this temperature dataloggers and can be a nice feature in you devices.
by anonymous

There is a way to send a commanded from the server to the device, which links message that is encoded in Codec12 to the external device that is connected via RS232 interface.

Please for more information read here:

So in fact, if you can set up your server to send a command every 5 minutes to the device via this mode, you can achieve such solution, but parsing of the data has to be done on the server side.

Best Regards.
by anonymous
Can I parse/receive the Carrier Vector 1850 data readed using rs232 to read parameters that are not included in your list (if there's some one missing) ?   Can you give me info about carrier data raw structure so I can decode it on server side?
