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in Vehicle tracking by anonymous

We are trying to send some fingerprint module data as a BLE Sensor to our Device FMB920. I am using HM-10 Bluetooth 4 BLE Module with Arduino UNO and successfully configured it in iBeacon mode using Arduino IDE with AT Commands. The HM10 module now showing its UUID in beacon info but it does not contain any data so we moved towards Bluetooth 4.0 to send some data.

With BLE Module HM10 I send some serial data “Data Packet Send” from Arduino to nRF Connect App it starts receiving it. But it only possible when I clicked on the connect button and LED on the module get Stable (Means Connectivity is required to share the data)

What problem we are facing ?

(1) The Configurator FMB920 does not allowing us any settings to connect our device FMB920 automatically with our Module HM-10 it only possible when I clicked on Discover Service and select the service generated by HM10 Module.The LED on the module stables but at the same time whole raw data disappears both on Configurator I/O info & TAVL.


Just like the other preconfigured sensors Efento , ELA RHT , Escort Fuel etc we simply want our system (HM10 + Arduino + Fingerprint) to automatically connect it to our device and start sending data.

Any help is highly appreciated i already read the document  But failed to

(1) Receive transmitted serial data "Data Packet Send" on FMB920 Configurator

(2) Connecting FM920 Automatically with our system


by anonymous

I am in the same situation as you, but for me, I have not managed to find how to send iBeacon data with Arduino uno, I'm really stuck, I searched everywhere I did not find the right library for Arduino uno, I saw that you have managed to do it well; can you share with me the code or just the method, or where i should search. it would be really nice


1 Answer

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by anonymous

Can you provide your configuration file and IMEI of your device which you are using with this sensor?

Also provide firmware version of your device.

Thank you.

Best Regards