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in Vehicle tracking by anonymous


everytime our unit crosses border and should change carrier, it losses signal for about 2 hours. Are there any specific settings or something? It usually occurs between Austria->Germany border. What could cause this?

1 Answer

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by anonymous

It is propably due to operator change. Please verify in your SIM operator if you have roaming enabled (with data GPRS transfer), also there may be operators in black list, when device connects with a operator from black list it doesn't send GPRS data but it sends/respones to SMS messages.

If you are using two SIM cards in your device, one of SIM card could have wrong APN or data transfer disabled and when device switches to work on that SIM card it can not send data.

More about operators you can find on our Wiki page:

To identify what operator is your device connected to and which SIM card is in use, send getstatus SMS command to device:

Example of answer from device:

Data Link: 1(1) GPRS: 1(1) Phone: 0 SIM: 0 OP: 26001 Signal: 4 NewSMS: 0 Roaming: 1 SMSFull: 0 LAC: 11048 Cell ID: 53221 Network Type: 1 SIM2

GPRS 1(1) - GPRS avaible

OP: 26001 - connected to operator 26001

NetworkType: 1 SIM2 - module is working on SIM2

Note that answer to getstatus command may vary depending on firmware version.

Please check your firmware version and update if neccesary, you can use getver command:

Firmware errata:

I hope above answer will help you resolve your issue


by anonymous
Yes, we have roaming enabled and we are using only one SIM. There are no operators on black list and the losing of signal happens to every vehicle that crosses border for around 1 or 2 hours.
by anonymous
Could you check what is firmware version (getver) ?

Thank you
by anonymous

These are the responses from 2 units that should lose the signal just about now or in half an hour for sure. As you can see the version is 03.77

by anonymous
Thank you for reply, you have the newest firmware installed, when your device will stop sending data, send any sms, for example getver and check if it will reply. If it will reply then check what is actual operator (getstatus). If device wont reply to sms you could enable Active GSM Operator I/O in your records (setparam 50140:1) and wait until it send outstanding records. Please write what is your SIM card operator (T-mobile, .........)
by anonymous

when we send an sms, the device does not respond like it has 0 signal.. Then after a few hours it becomes available again. Our operator is Telekom Slovenija.
by anonymous

Please verify if there are avaible operators that your SIM card can connect to in the area where your devices are offline. You could put device's SIM card into mobile phone and check avaible networks, making/receiving calls, browsing Internet. Even if you have roaming enabled, some operators may not have contract with yours operator.