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in Vehicle tracking by

Is there perhaps an API or application intent that can be used to extract all captured data of a device configured using the FMBT mobile application? Other than the user clicking the export to html button? That can be used as more automated / back-end driven approach?

We would like to represent this data on a Job-card after a device fitment is completed.

Any recommendations will be appreciated.


Melanie Delport

1 Answer

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by anonymous
Hello Melanie,

Thank you for your detailed inquiry about your situation and requirements.

In this situation, if server IP/domain and Port are known, we can recommend to insert a SIM card into the device and set APN and Server data of device via FMBT mobile application "CONFIGURATION" tab. So, the data will be sent to the server until the device fitment and after it, if server data will not change.

Please let us know if you will have any questions.

Best Regards,

Teltonika Support

Thanks so much for your feedback. Yes, in our case the server configuration data will not change so this could be useful.

Can you perhaps point me to documentation that details the unit data being sent to this server and how to interact with this data and the physicals units, if possible. Or perhaps if you can provide some sample "events" collected by this server.

I understand that this server and related captured data has to do with the "Tracking and Monitoring" side of the solution, since we are engaging these devices from an installation and activation perspective I would like to investigate what we can use in this regard. So any reference to Activation type "events" received by this server will be valuable as well as captured identifiers such as Serial Numbers which we might link to the installation job cards.


Melanie Delport