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in Vehicle tracking by anonymous

Good day,

I am using the Escort BLE fuel level sensor with the FMB range of Teltonikas.

I have connected it up to the Teltonika and I can see the kvants there. However, there is not and AVL ID matching this?

Which ID should it be?

Then secondly to that:
When I enabled the BLE fuel Level in the IO elements to (low).  It does not send through to the server? I donot get any additional AVL Ids being sent through?

How do I get this right?

This is a major feature of the device and the primary reason why we bought them was for 4 fuel level probes.


1 Answer

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by anonymous
Hello Zapnologica,

Thank you for your inquiry.

Could you please say, which AVL IDs are you using to get Escort BLE fuel level?

Looking forward for your answer.

Best Regards,

Teltonika Support


Same trouble. Equip:

1. Teltonika FMB920 (FW 03.25.14 Rev03)

2. Escort BLE Fuel 

Teltonika configured (v1.5.5.29406) and connect to Escort. We see data from Escort in tab "I/O" in BLE LLS #1. Data in "kvants" unit.

 In AVL List ( we found ID's for Escort BLE fuel sensor and we write this ID's in TCP Listener (AVL ID: 269-280). In configurator tab Status we see needed data but on the server we don't reseive this AVL's.

Help pls where we wrong? We found AVL ID for Escort temperature as BLE 1 Temperature (25), Battery Voltage as BLE 1 Battery Voltage (29), but We don't receive FUEL level! We try ID to 1000 but don't recevie fuel value. When reconfigure in BLE connectionless functionalilies parametr Fuel to Humidity - then receive fuel value in field BLE Humidity #1.

by anonymous


Thank you for your detailed inquiry.

Could you please say, do you set parameters correctly in Teltonika Configurator --> Bluetooth 4.0 settings --> Advanced settings? If you don't mind maybe you could provide us a screenshot of it?

How looks mentioned settings and detail description about it you can find here.

Looking forward to your answer.

Stay safe,

Teltonika Support



Screenshotes here:

(FMB920) We loaded preset "escort fuel" (2.jpg) and received data in configurator (3.jpg). Our TCP Listener can read all AVL Parameters from 1 to 1100. Tracker send next parameters and values

{"1": 1, "9": 6025, "21": 4, "25": 22, "29": 35, "66": 12870, "86": 0}

We don't see parameter with AVL 270 ( But when we reconfigured Fuel as Humidity (4.jpg and for apply this change we need restart FMB920. Not any apply without restart) we received value in configurator (5.jpg) and received data in packet like param 86 with val 1391

{"1": 1, "9": 6025, "21": 5, "25": 23, "29": 35, "66": 12880, "86": 1391}

Resume: tracker not send parameter 270.

Next problem: we change fuel level and see changed level in mobile app Escort, but any changes in teltonika. Only after about 5 min we see and get on the sever changed values. It's not possible for monitoring fuel level. May be 10 sec... may be 30 sec... but not 5 minutes.