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in Vehicle tracking by anonymous

Currently I able to connect FM3001 via Bluetooth

but what I received hundreds of records, they are more looks like system logging.(see at the end of this)

My question:

- How to turn off receiving such messages in BT?

- How to get Status Info like: Device Info, GNSS Info, GSM Info, OBD Info, I/O Info via BT?

 I need advice..

Tons thanks in advance



===== what I received ===

The oldest data was removed. Continue...

-[ATCMD]>>[147] Quectel[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]>>[147] OK[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]<<AT+CGMM[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]>>[148] UC20[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]>>[148] OK[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]<<AT+CGMR[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]>>[149] UC20GQBR03A14E1G[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]>>[149] OK[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]<<AT+CSQ[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]>>[121] +CSQ: 20,99[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]>>[121] OK[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]<<AT+QJDCFG="urc",1[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]>>[161] OK[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]<<AT+QJDCFG="period",0[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]>>[162] OK[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]<<AT+QJDCFG="mnl",10[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]>>[163] OK[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]<<AT+QJDCFG="minch",50[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]>>[164] OK[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]<<AT+QJDR=1[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]>>[165] OK[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]<<AT+QCCID[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]>>[109] +CME ERROR: operation not allowed[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[AT.RSP]in error handler: operation not allowed

[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[AT.SEND]ERROR @ m2m_at_cmd_api.c(326):Evt @ATCI ERR

[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[AT.SEND]ERROR @ m2m_at_cmd_api.c(155):CMD failed. Try:2[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]<<AT+QCCID[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[ATCMD]>>[176] +CME ERROR: operation not allowed[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[AT.RSP]in error handler: operation not allowed

[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[AT.SEND]ERROR @ m2m_at_cmd_api.c(326):Evt @ATCI ERR

[2004.01.01 05:54:18]-[AT.SEND]ERROR @ m2m_at_cmd_api.c(155):CMD failed. Try:1[2004.01.01 05:54:19]-[ADC]Measured Values Table:[Core Voltage  ]:1.000(3918)[External V    ]:16.000(12310)[Battery V     ]:1.727(4085)[Ch. current   ]:0.060(2)[OBD Periph    ]:5.085(11979)[NTC           ]:1.000(1966)Using Conv Table:FMB0XX CalibVals:1[2004.01.01 05:54:19]-[BT]Connected BT ADDR:{0C:8B:FD:D4:83:0B}[2004.01.01 05:54:19]-[ATCMD]<<AT+QCCID[2004.01.01 05:54:19]-[ATCMD]>>[176] +CME ERROR: operation not allowed[2004.01.01 05:54:19]-[AT.RSP]in error handler: operation not allowed

[2004.01.01 05:54:19]-[AT.SEND]ERROR @ m2m_at_cmd_api.c(326):Evt @ATCI ERR

[2004.01.01 05:54:19]-[AT.SEND]ERROR @ m2m_at_cmd_api.c(155):CMD failed. Try:0Log Disabled for UART[3][2004.01.01 05:54:19]-[MODEM]Changing Modem State from:1 to:2

[2004.01.01 05:54:19]-[MODEM]Changing Modem State from:2 to:0

[2004.01.01 05:54:19]-[SCH]Task eM2M_Tid_ModemInit[8] droppedcfg_info:0:03.10.03cfg_info:1:03.12.00cfg_info:2:FM3:1cfg_info:3:867060033461332cfg_info:4:0cfg_info:5:INITcfg_info:6:ABSENTcfg_info:7:3cfg_info:8:1cfg_info:9:0cfg_info:10:1cfg_info:11:1cfg_info:12:1cfg_info:13:00[2004.01.01 05:54:21]-[AXL.CLBR]No ignition & movement detected for 590 secondsLog Enabled for UART[3][2004.01.01 05:54:21]-[BT.EVT]Device disconnected! BT ADDR:{0C:8B:FD:D4:83:0B}[2004.01.01 05:54:22]-[OVERSPD]Unsatisfied Conditions:->Ign is OFF!->No GPS FIX. No Valid NMEA Data Is Available![2004.01.01 05:54:22]-[SLEEP]Sleep:0, not allowed! Reason:Disabled by CFG[2004.01.01 05:54:22]-[WD.FUNC]WARNING @ 172:counter:0 Cnt:605 Limit:10800[2004.01.01 05:54:24]-[REC.SEND.1]Periodic data sending is disabled

2 Answers

0 votes

Hi there, 

You can use following commands to read information from the device 

.reset  - Reboots device in 3 seconds

.info  - Returns device FW, Imei ,Power state, gps

.modem -  modem status

.tst_device_info  - FW version

@gps_pgps -  GPS info

 .log:  - disable/enable logging  use this to avoid long logs you posted above . 

Hope that helps. 



@gps_pgps -  GPS info  --> not working

 .log:  disable or .log: enable  ----> returns disabled for UART[3]  --I don't know what does it mean?

.info -- does not returning GSM, I/O, OBD

please help 

ton thanks in advance

0 votes
by anonymous
Hi, winanjaya

Thank you for the questions!
in addition to anonymous answer you might also want to download Teltonika FMBT app, please visit: (You will find the app download link at the bottom of the page) to inspect Device Info, GNSS Info, GSM Info, OBD Info, I/O Info via BT? After downloading you will have to connect to your device via the app. The PIN is 5555 by default.

Hope this answers your question, please feel free to ask away if you have any further questions. Have a wonderful day.

Best Regards,
by anonymous


I m in the progress developing similar application like Teltonika FMBT for my customer..

I connect via BT to FM3001, it connected but I got hundreds of messages .. what I need is to get Device Info, GNSS Info, GSM Info, OBD Info, I/O Info via BT using command line..

need your advice.


by anonymous
Thank you for the clarification. If you are developing your own app, you should contact teltonika sales manager regarding the protocol used to communicate with the devices over BT.

Best Regards,
by anonymous

They gave me today, and I read it.. but confuse :( ... hope someone here having experience with this case..

but interested with 

.reset  - Reboots device in 3 seconds

.info  - Returns device FW, Imei ,Power state, gps

.modem -  modem status

what tools should I use for doing this?

by anonymous

take a look at this page

Basically, you have to complete 4 steps:

  1. Check that the FMXXXX device has BT enabled
  2. Download Bluetooth Serial Terminal app
  3. Connect to your device
  4. Check CR in the app and send your command, for example, type ".modem" (without quotes) and click send. You should receive an answer as soon as you click send.
by anonymous

do you have complete list of BT command for FM3001?

I tried



in my development .. it works properly .. need more BT command line info for communicate with FM3001

tons of thank you
by anonymous
I'm sorry I cannot provide you with additional commands as the main commands were given in the answers, if you want more commands you should contact the sales manager.

