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in Vehicle tracking by anonymous

I've configured the FMB204 Bluetooth to Auto Connect to External Device with:

mode: Data Link

External name: EFRI

External PIN: 9786

But the connection is not created automatically, it only connects to my device when I click on 'Pair' and enter de PIN , to the selected one after click on 'Discover'.

But no auto connect ...any other thing to change? 

The documentation says that, nothing else to config :

1 Answer

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by anonymous
Hello juanpr,

Thank you for your question.

To connect FMB204 with Bluetooth device automatically, you will need to write BT device MAC address into "External MAC" field. The MAC address you can see on "Discovered Devices" box, as first line of detected unit. In your situation, MAC address would be 98D331FD18C1. When you will write it, please do not forget to save in to device. Then you could successfully test Auto Connect feature.

Hope this information was clearly.

Please feel free to ask if you will have more questions.

Best regards,

Teltonika Support

But then is not as said in documentation, the good point of the text in documentation is that you can write ONLY a substring of the external name and then the FMB204 will connect to the device with the name matching the string....  

Why is needed the MAC address then? 

If there's some device detected with the External name like the one configured (no matter the MAC address) the FMB204 will connect to it (or that should do as the doc says), and the FMB204 will use the MAC detected for that need that the user configure each MAC address to be connected, just with the name is enough.

Then, if I do what the doc says, I can write Externalname as "EFRI" and the FMB204 should connect to any device with name like EFRIXXXXXXXXXXXX without specifying MAC address in config.


External Name parameter works as a substring, which allows user to enter a part of the full external device name. For example, if external device name is "HandsFreeHeadset" and user enters "HandsFree" in External Name parameter window, then FMB204 will be allowed to connect to an external device named "HandsFreeHeadset".


Specially, the last paragraph,