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0 votes
in Vehicle tracking by anonymous

I have 3 trackers (1100 and 1120) not connecting to network. SIM card is ok, Firmware is 1.26.01 REV99.

When I use debug via terminal, i have this:

[InitModem] ERROR @ modem_init.c(310): [0] Numerical operator request failed

3 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous

Can you please upload the full log ?

Thanks in advance

by anonymous

[2015.01.01 00:01:06]-[AppDatSav] No fix

[2015.01.01 00:01:06]-[AppDatSav] 239 seconds before periodic record save

[2015.01.01 00:01:07]-[MODEM] Modem is Initializing (tmo:292)

[2015.01.01 00:01:07]-[GPRS] Repeating task after delay

[2015.01.01 00:01:07]-[PowerLiPo] Voltage Check: 0

[2015.01.01 00:01:07]-[PowerLiPo] Charger turned ON

[2015.01.01 00:01:09]-[OP.SEARCH] Wait for registration confirmation from CREG

[2015.01.01 00:01:10]-[NMEA Filter] PDOP:99.00, HDOP:99.00, Valid:0 Q: 0, Sats: 0 Retry: 0 FixMode: 1

[2015.01.01 00:01:10]- [MTX.WDG]->sr:0[1800] fl:0[1800] mod:0[1800] pr:63[1800] ds18:0[1800] lvcan:0[1800]

[2015.01.01 00:01:14]-[AppSend] No sending procedure in 60 sec, configured period: 1 sec

[2015.01.01 00:01:15]-[MODEM] Modem is Initializing (tmo:291)

[2015.01.01 00:01:20]-[OP.SEARCH] Wait for registration confirmation from CREG

[2015.01.01 00:01:20]-[NMEA Filter] PDOP:99.00, HDOP:99.00, Valid:0 Q: 0, Sats: 0 Retry: 0 FixMode: 1

[2015.01.01 00:01:24]-[AppSend] No sending procedure in 70 sec, configured period: 1 sec

[2015.01.01 00:01:25]-[DEBUG]

        UARTTxFullCnt: 0

        SchTaskRunCnt: 10

        UARTTskRunCnt: 1000

        AppSaveRunCnt: 10

        AppSendRunCnt: 10

        ValidNMEAPkts: 70

[2015.01.01 00:01:25]-[MODEM] Modem is Initializing (tmo:290)

[2015.01.01 00:01:27]-[PowerLiPo] Battery absence detected

[2015.01.01 00:01:27]-[PowerLiPo] Charger turned OFF

[2015.01.01 00:01:30]-[OP.SEARCH] Wait for registration confirmation from CREG

[2015.01.01 00:01:30]-[NMEA Filter] PDOP:99.00, HDOP:99.00, Valid:0 Q: 0, Sats: 0 Retry: 0 FixMode: 1

[2015.01.01 00:01:30]-[MovDetect] state changed 0 -> 1 (mov: 1, speed: -1, tmr: 1)

[2015.01.01 00:01:31]- [MTX.WDG]->sr:0[1800] fl:0[1800] mod:0[1800] pr:84[1800] ds18:0[1800] lvcan:0[1800]

[2015.01.01 00:01:34]-[AppSend] No sending procedure in 80 sec, configured period: 1 sec

[2015.01.01 00:01:35]-[AppDatSav] No GNSS fix 810/900

[2015.01.01 00:01:35]-[MODEM] Modem is Initializing (tmo:289)

[2015.01.01 00:01:36]-[MovDetect] state changed 1 -> 0 (mov: 0, speed: -1, tmr: 0)

[2015.01.01 00:01:37]-[ModeChange] Ignition selected as movement indicator

[2015.01.01 00:01:37]-[ModeChange] Nothing to change

[2015.01.01 00:01:40]-[OP.SEARCH] Wait for registration confirmation from CREG

[2015.01.01 00:01:40]-[NMEA Filter] PDOP:99.00, HDOP:99.00, Valid:0 Q: 0, Sats: 0 Retry: 0 FixMode: 1

[2015.01.01 00:01:41]-[AutoGeo] AutoGeofence is disabled

[2015.01.01 00:01:45]-[AppSend] Time left before Periodic Data SMS Send Check Procedure: 0 sec(s)

[2015.01.01 00:01:45]-[AppSend] Checking SMS Data Sending

[2015.01.01 00:01:45]-[AppSend] SMS Data Sending is Disabled

[2015.01.01 00:01:45]-[AppSend] No sending procedure in 91 sec, configured period: 1 sec

[2015.01.01 00:01:45]-[MODEM] Modem is Initializing (tmo:288)

[2015.01.01 00:01:48]-[PowerLiPo] Voltage Check: 0

[2015.01.01 00:01:48]-[PowerLiPo] Charger turned ON

[2015.01.01 00:01:50]-[NMEA Filter] PDOP:99.00, HDOP:99.00, Valid:0 Q: 0, Sats: 0 Retry: 0 FixMode: 1

[2015.01.01 00:01:50]-[OP.SEARCH] Wait for registration confirmation from CREG

[2015.01.01 00:01:51]-[OP.SEARCH] Operator black list is empty. Search on hold

[2015.01.01 00:01:53]- [MTX.WDG]->sr:0[1800] fl:0[1800] mod:0[1800] pr:105[1800] ds18:0[1800] lvcan:0[1800]

[2015.01.01 00:01:55]-[AppSend] No sending procedure in 101 sec, configured period: 1 sec

[2015.01.01 00:01:56]-[MODEM] Modem is Initializing (tmo:287)

[2015.01.01 00:02:00]-[NMEA Filter] PDOP:99.00, HDOP:99.00, Valid:0 Q: 0, Sats: 0 Retry: 0 FixMode: 1

[2015.01.01 00:02:00]-[OP.SEARCH] Wait for registration confirmation from CREG

[2015.01.01 00:02:05]-[AppSend] No sending procedure in 111 sec, configured period: 1 sec

[2015.01.01 00:02:05]-[DeepSleep] SLEEP MODE DISABLED!

[2015.01.01 00:02:06]-[StackCheck] StackInfo:

        TaskId:  2 Name: TRACE  Stack: 0x20002328 Free:  148/ 576 @ StackInfo

        TaskId:  3 Name: EVTGEN Stack: 0x20006AA0 Free:  560/ 872 @ StackInfo

        TaskId:  4 Name: SCHEDU Stack: 0x200050C8 Free:  448/ 768 @ StackInfo

        TaskId:  5 Name: HEARTB Stack: 0x200053C8 Free:   48/ 128 @ StackInfo

        TaskId:  6 Name: MODDAT Stack: 0x20005448 Free:  296/ 384 @ StackInfo

        TaskId:  7 Name: UARTPR Stack: 0x200030F8 Free: 1052/1640 @ StackInfo

        TaskId:  8 Name: DSLEEP Stack: 0x20009DF8 Free:  312/ 768 @ StackInfo

        TaskId:  9 Name: PWRMAN Stack: 0x2000C938 Free:  396/ 768 @ StackInfo

        TaskId: 10 Name: DATSAV Stack: 0x2000B300 Free:  416/1024 @ StackInfo

        TaskId: 11 Name: GSMUPD Stack: 0x2000CFC0 Free: 1408/1504 @ StackInfo

        TaskId: 12 Name: CHGPRS Stack: 0x2000AF00 Free:  800/1024 @ StackInfo

        TaskId: 13 Name: OPERS  Stack: 0x2000BB58 Free:  816/1024 @ StackInfo

        TaskId: 14 Name: APPSND Stack: 0x2000B700 Free:  864/1096 @ StackInfo

        TaskId: 15 Name: TCPCMD Stack: 0x2000E008 Free: 1716/1856 @ StackInfo

        TaskId: 16 Name: WDOG   Stack: 0x20001488 Free:   56/ 296 @ StackInfo

        TaskId: 17 Name: SMSEVT Stack: 0x2000D610 Free:  624/1096 @ StackInfo

        TaskId: 18 Name: INITM  Stack: 0x2000CC38 Free:  536/ 904 @ StackInfo

[2015.01.01 00:02:06]-[AppDatSav] No GNSS fix 780/900

[2015.01.01 00:02:06]-[DEBUG]

        UARTTxFullCnt: 0

        SchTaskRunCnt: 9

        UARTTskRunCnt: 900

        AppSaveRunCnt: 9

        AppSendRunCnt: 9

        ValidNMEAPkts: 72

[2015.01.01 00:02:06]-[PERIODIC.GPS.INFO]

        Status    : 2 (gps on)

        Sat       : 0

        Lat       : 0.000000

        Long      : 0.000000

        Alt       : 0

        Speed     : 0

        Angle     : 0

        GPS TMO   : 780

        GPS Fix   : 0

        NMEA Flag : 1

        Time Sync : 0

        Baudrate  : 115200

        Valid Pkts: 72

        GPS AP    : 1

        GPS_OFF   : 1

        RAM_GPS_ON: 1

        SN Config : 1

        SN State  : 0

        Log2Srv   : 0

[2015.01.01 00:02:06]-[MODEM] Modem is Initializing (tmo:286)

[2015.01.01 00:02:08]-[AppDatSav] No fix

[2015.01.01 00:02:08]-[AppDatSav] 177 seconds before periodic record save

[2015.01.01 00:02:08]-[MODEM] Modem is Initializing (tmo:285)

[2015.01.01 00:02:08]-[GPRS] Repeating task after delay

[2015.01.01 00:02:08]-[PowerLiPo] Battery absence detected

[2015.01.01 00:02:08]-[PowerLiPo] Charger turned OFF

[2015.01.01 00:02:10]-[NMEA Filter] PDOP:99.00, HDOP:99.00, Valid:0 Q: 0, Sats: 0 Retry: 0 FixMode: 1

[2015.01.01 00:02:10]-[OP.SEARCH] Wait for registration confirmation from CREG

[2015.01.01 00:02:14]- [MTX.WDG]->sr:0[1800] fl:0[1800] mod:0[1800] pr:126[1800] ds18:0[1800] lvcan:0[1800]

[2015.01.01 00:02:15]-[AppSend] No sending procedure in 121 sec, configured period: 1 sec

[2015.01.01 00:02:16]-[MODEM] Modem is Initializing (tmo:284)

[2015.01.01 00:02:20]-[NMEA Filter] PDOP:99.00, HDOP:99.00, Valid:0 Q: 0, Sats: 0 Retry: 0 FixMode: 1

[2015.01.01 00:02:20]-[OP.SEARCH] Wait for registration confirmation from CREG

[2015.01.01 00:02:24]-[ModeChange] Ignition selected as movement indicator

[2015.01.01 00:02:24]-[ModeChange] Nothing to change

[2015.01.01 00:02:25]-[AppSend] No sending procedure in 131 sec, configured period: 1 sec

[2015.01.01 00:02:26]-[MODEM] Modem is Initializing (tmo:283)

[2015.01.01 00:02:28]-[AutoGeo] AutoGeofence is disabled

[2015.01.01 00:02:29]-[PowerLiPo] Voltage Check: 0

[2015.01.01 00:02:29]-[PowerLiPo] Charger turned ON

[2015.01.01 00:02:30]-[NMEA Filter] PDOP:99.00, HDOP:99.00, Valid:0 Q: 0, Sats: 0 Retry: 0 FixMode: 1

[2015.01.01 00:02:31]-[OP.SEARCH] Wait for registration confirmation from CREG

[2015.01.01 00:02:35]- [MTX.WDG]->sr:0[1800] fl:0[1800] mod:0[1800] pr:147[1800] ds18:0[1800] lvcan:0[1800]

[2015.01.01 00:02:35]-[AppSend] No sending procedure in 141 sec, configured period: 1 sec

[2015.01.01 00:02:36]-[Scheduler] GC is scheduled after: 7050 sec

[2015.01.01 00:02:36]-[AppDatSav] No GNSS fix 750/900

[2015.01.01 00:02:36]-[MODEM] Modem is Initializing (tmo:282)

0 votes
by anonymous
[2015.01.01 00:00:12]-[GNSSConfig] REEVALUATE

[2015.01.01 00:00:12]-[GNSSConfig] CONFIRM NOT OK, confirm ID: 0, value: 0

[2015.01.01 00:00:13]-[MovDetect] state changed 1 -> 0 (mov: 0, speed: -1, tmr: 0)

[2015.01.01 00:00:13]-[GNSSConfig] REPEAT: 1 / 5

[2015.01.01 00:00:13]-[GNSSConfig] sending: $PSTMGETPAR,1200*20

[2015.01.01 00:00:13]-[GNSS] $PSTMSETPAR,1200,0x19c59654*00

[2015.01.01 00:00:13]-[GNSSConfig] SETPAR REPEAT OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:14]-[GNSS] $PSTMGETPAR,1200*20

[2015.01.01 00:00:14]-[GNSSConfig] CONFIRM OK, value: 19C59654

[2015.01.01 00:00:14]-[GNSSConfig] Result: OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:14]-[GNSSConfig] NMEA messages list (GGA/GSA/VGT/RMC/GSV) is already configured

[2015.01.01 00:00:14]-[GNSSConfig] GPS mode is already configured

[2015.01.01 00:00:14]-[GNSSConfig] sending: $PSTMGETPAR,1500*27

[2015.01.01 00:00:14]-[AppSend] Successfuly Started

[2015.01.01 00:00:14]-[MODEM] Modem is Initializing (tmo:298)

[2015.01.01 00:00:14]-[AppSend] Task Finished

[2015.01.01 00:00:14]-[SMS Event] Task created

[2015.01.01 00:00:15]-[GNSS] $PSTMGETPAR,1500*27

[2015.01.01 00:00:15]-[GNSSConfig] OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:17]-[GNSSConfig] REEVALUATE

[2015.01.01 00:00:17]-[GNSSConfig] CONFIRM NOT OK, confirm ID: 0, value: 0

[2015.01.01 00:00:18]-[NMEA Filter] PDOP:99.00, HDOP:99.00, Valid:0 Q: 0, Sats: 0 Retry: 0 FixMode: 1

[2015.01.01 00:00:18]-[GNSSConfig] REPEAT: 1 / 5

[2015.01.01 00:00:18]-[GNSSConfig] sending: $PSTMGETPAR,1500*27

[2015.01.01 00:00:18]-[GNSS] $PSTMSETPAR,1500,G33_030106#ÿ*df

[2015.01.01 00:00:18]- [GGG.VERSION]-> GGG HW.Parse.

[2015.01.01 00:00:18]-[GNSSConfig] SETPAR REPEAT OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:19]-[GNSS] $PSTMGETPAR,1500*27

[2015.01.01 00:00:19]-[GNSSConfig] CONFIRM OK, value: 0

[2015.01.01 00:00:19]-[GNSSConfig] Result: OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:19]-[GNSSConfig] Task finished

[2015.01.01 00:00:20]-[MODEM] Modem Phonebook Is Ready Continue

[2015.01.01 00:00:20]->> +PBREADY

[2015.01.01 00:00:20]-<< ATE0

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]->> ATE0

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]-<< AT+CMEE=2

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]-<< AT+TPSM=2,2000

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]-<< AT+CGSN

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]-[AT.PARSER] IMEI stored:[356173066480679]

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]->> 356173066480679

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]-<< AT+TSIMPINCNT

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]->> +TSIMPINCNT: 3,3,10,10

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]-<< AT+TGENVER

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]->> +TGENVER: "TM11Q_R_01.07.00"

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]-<< AT+TGENVER=1

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]->> +TGENVER: "TM11Q_R_01.04.07.00_001"

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]-<< AT+CGMR

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]->> TM1100

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]-<< AT+CCID?

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]-[MODEM] CCID 8921602080140868194

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]->> +CCID: 8921602080140868194

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:21]-<< AT+CPIN?

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]-[MODEM] SIM Card Ready

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]->> +CPIN: READY

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]-[SIMPIN.STATE]:  WORKING, NO PIN REQUIRED

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]-<< AT+CREG=2

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]-<< AT+CMGF=0

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]-<< AT+CNMI=2,1

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]-<< AT+CIMI

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]-[AT.PARSER] IMSI Stored:[605020814086819]

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]->> 605020814086819

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]-<< AT+CGEREP=1,0

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]-<< AT+COPS=3,2

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]-<< AT+CGREG=2

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]-[MODEM] Jamming detection supported.

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]-<< AT+TJAMD=30,90

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]-<< ATS0=0

[2015.01.01 00:00:22]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:23]-[InitModem] Modem restart and init OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:24]-[MODEM] Modem is Initializing (tmo:297)

[2015.01.01 00:00:26]-<< AT

[2015.01.01 00:00:26]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:26]-[PowerLiPo] Voltage Check: 0

[2015.01.01 00:00:26]-[PowerLiPo] Charger turned ON

[2015.01.01 00:00:27]-<< AT+CREG?

[2015.01.01 00:00:27]-[MODEM] Not Registered

[2015.01.01 00:00:27]->> +CREG: 2,0

[2015.01.01 00:00:27]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:27]-<< AT

[2015.01.01 00:00:27]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:27]-<< AT+COPS=2

[2015.01.01 00:00:27]->> OK

[2015.01.01 00:00:27]- [MTX.WDG]->sr:0[1800] fl:0[1800] mod:0[1800] pr:21[1800] ds18:0[1800] lvcan:0[1800]

[2015.01.01 00:00:29]-[NMEA Filter] PDOP:99.00, HDOP:99.00, Valid:0 Q: 0, Sats: 0 Retry: 0 FixMode: 1

[2015.01.01 00:00:32]-<< AT+COPS=0,2

[2015.01.01 00:00:34]-[AppSend] No sending procedure in 20 sec, configured period: 1 sec

[2015.01.01 00:00:34]-<< AT+CREG?

[2015.01.01 00:00:34]->> ABORTED

[2015.01.01 00:00:34]-[AppDatSav] No GNSS fix 870/900

[2015.01.01 00:00:35]-[MODEM] Modem is Initializing (tmo:296)

[2015.01.01 00:00:38]->> +CGEV: NW CLASS CC

[2015.01.01 00:00:39]-[NMEA Filter] PDOP:99.00, HDOP:99.00, Valid:0 Q: 0, Sats: 0 Retry: 0 FixMode: 1

[2015.01.01 00:00:44]-[AppSend] Time left before Periodic Data SMS Send Check Procedure: 0 sec(s)

[2015.01.01 00:00:44]-[AppSend] Checking SMS Data Sending

[2015.01.01 00:00:44]-[AppSend] SMS Data Sending is Disabled

[2015.01.01 00:00:44]-[AppSend] No sending procedure in 30 sec, configured period: 1 sec

[2015.01.01 00:00:45]-[DEBUG]

        UARTTxFullCnt: 0

        SchTaskRunCnt: 9

        UARTTskRunCnt: 900

        AppSaveRunCnt: 9

        AppSendRunCnt: 9

        ValidNMEAPkts: 63

[2015.01.01 00:00:45]-[MODEM] Modem is Initializing (tmo:295)

[2015.01.01 00:00:46]-[PowerLiPo] Battery absence detected

[2015.01.01 00:00:46]-[PowerLiPo] Charger turned OFF

[2015.01.01 00:00:49]- [MTX.WDG]->sr:0[1800] fl:0[1800] mod:0[1800] pr:42[1800] ds18:0[1800] lvcan:0[1800]

[2015.01.01 00:00:49]-[OP.SEARCH] Wait for registration confirmation from CREG

[2015.01.01 00:00:49]-[NMEA Filter] PDOP:99.00, HDOP:99.00, Valid:0 Q: 0, Sats: 0 Retry: 0 FixMode: 1

[2015.01.01 00:00:50]-[OP.SEARCH] Task started

[2015.01.01 00:00:50]-[OP.SEARCH] Operator black list is empty. Search on hold

[2015.01.01 00:00:51]-[ModeChange] Ignition selected as movement indicator

[2015.01.01 00:00:51]-[ModeChange] Nothing to change

[2015.01.01 00:00:53]-[AutoGeo] AutoGeofence is disabled

[2015.01.01 00:00:54]-[AppSend] No sending procedure in 40 sec, configured period: 1 sec

[2015.01.01 00:00:55]-[MODEM] Modem is Initializing (tmo:294)

[2015.01.01 00:00:59]-[OP.SEARCH] Wait for registration confirmation from CREG

[2015.01.01 00:00:59]-[NMEA Filter] PDOP:99.00, HDOP:99.00, Valid:0 Q: 0, Sats: 0 Retry: 0 FixMode: 1

[2015.01.01 00:01:04]-[AppSend] No sending procedure in 50 sec, configured period: 1 sec

[2015.01.01 00:01:05]-[DeepSleep] SLEEP MODE DISABLED!

[2015.01.01 00:01:05]-[AppDatSav] No GNSS fix 840/900

[2015.01.01 00:01:05]-[FWInfo]

        FW version: 01.26.01.Rev.99

        BL version: 01.09

        Toolchain : 4.0.0524

        Compiled  : Feb 13 2018 @ 15:29:30

        HW version: FM11YX_MOD7_A2:B2:C2:D3:E2:F0:G0:H0:I0:J0

        HW voltage: 2374 mV

[2015.01.01 00:01:05]-[PERIODIC.ONLINE.INFO]

        Code Ver       : 01.26.01.Rev:99

        BL Version     : 01.09

        Hw Version     : FM11YX_MOD7_A2:B2:C2:D3:E2:F0:G0:H0:I0:J0

        Device IMEI    : 356173066480679

        Device IMSI    : 605020814086819

        Modem AppVer   : 1.07.00

        Modem FullVer  : TM11Q_R_01.04.07.00_001

        Reset Cause    : Power On / Power Down

        Startup Time   : 2015/1/1 0:0:0

        RTC Clock      : 2015/1/1 0:1:5

        GPS Clock      : 2000/1/1 0:0:0

        Device Uptime  : 0:01:05

        Sesion Upload  : 0 Bytes

        Total Upload   : 0 Bytes

        SMS Sent       : 0

        Received       : 0

        Restarts Made  : 1

        Errors Detected: 0

        Records Sent   : 0

        BadRec Detected: 0

        ProfCRC Fails  : 0

        Failed GPRS    : 0

        Failed Link    : 0

        UDP Link TMO   : 0

        No GPS Timer  : 0:1:0

        GPS Status    : 2

        Actual Sat    : 0

        Maximum Sat   : 0

        Last fix acqu : 60 sec (counting)

        Working Mode  : 5 - Unknown on Moving

[2015.01.01 00:01:05]- [Ver]->01.26.01,99,356173066480679,Feb 13 2018,01.09,06,1.07.00,2374,G33_030106#,,,,,

[2015.01.01 00:01:05]-[MODEM] Modem is Initializing (tmo:293)
0 votes
by anonymous


It's look like operator issue.

Please check with your network operator.

Did you configured the operator code ? If not please add operator code in the configuration.

