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in Vehicle tracking by anonymous

Dear All,

We plan to use FM3612, Can we get all OBD data via bluetooth?

Our client does not want to use SIM, so our idea is to use our mobile app and connect to FM3612's bluetooth to get OBD Data before send them to GPS Wox server..

is it possible for doing this?

need help

thanks a lot

by anonymous

Thank You for Your question.

FM3612 does not support Blue-Tooth. If Your client want to get OBD (CAN) data from the vehicle, we suggest using Easy Tracker FMB001. It is capable of reading CAN data and has Blue-Tooth connectivity.

More about FMB001 can be read on Teltonika Wiki page:

If You have any questions, feel free to ask.

Best Regards
by anonymous
I purchased FM3001, I need a reference to connect to bluetooth and send command using command line to get all info.

Could you please share the doc?

Thanks a lot in advance


1 Answer

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by anonymous

Ok, after compared, I will choose FM3001.


How to get the data via Bluetooth and send them to GPSWox’s cloud? Do you have SDK or example?

Another thing is: 
I don’t think it is necessary for us to install Telkonika’s unit into a car while it’s still in development, so is it possible to have some dummy data and capture it via bluetooth and send them to GPSWox’s cloud? 

Please help


by anonymous

If you'd have OBD II simulator/emulator, like:

You could connect it to FM3 device. And it would capture OBD data and send it to server if so configured.

"so is it possible to have some dummy data and capture it via bluetooth and send them to GPSWox’s cloud? "

Now what is this "capture it via bluetooth" ?

Our devices capture OBD data from vehicles via OBD II port. Create records and send them to server via GPRS.

Via bluetooth - you can send commands to FMB/FM3 devices. Devices do not send "records" or "data" captured from vehicles OBD II port via bluetooth.

by anonymous
For some reasons, My client does not want to use SIM in FMB/FM3 devices, how to get records or data captured from vehicle OBD Port to GPSWox’s cloud?

My thought we have to develop a mobile app to connect to device via FMB/FM3 device via bluetooth and by sending command periodically to get data or records that have been captured from OBD II port and then send the data to GPSWox server from our mobile app to GPSWox server, is it possible? Or is there any better way for this scenario?
by anonymous
In that case you don/t need to use a device like FMB/FM3 which are vehicle trackers (gps+gsm usually. optional: can/BT/BLE/3G/4G).

What you need is OBD II dongle. There are many varieties:

To this dongle you can connect via your app (via bluetooth connection) -> and send commands to it to read data from vehicle OBD II port.

Capture this data to mobile phone app -> send to whatever server you want.

But this data sending will be not compliant with GPSWox servers. Because GPSWox servers are made to receive data from vehicle trackers. According to data transmission protocols implemented in vehicle tracker devices (by various manufacturers of said devices, Teltonika included).

It is possible ofcourse (if you'd get information from somewhere) to implement in your mobile phone app -> the data transmission protocol and "pretend to be vehicle tracking device". But like i said, you'd need to have a complete data transmission protocol of one of GPSWox supported vehicle trackers.

There are many ways as you can see to get data from vehicles OBD II ports -> onto server you want. It all depends which way you want to go about it.
by anonymous

Does Telkonika has OBD II Dongle product?

Or can we use FM3001 may be with some accessories to make it as OBD II Dongle?
by anonymous
No, currently Teltonika does not have OBD II dongle product.

In theory - yes you could use FM3001 and have it act as OBD II dongle. But to do this - you would have to:

1. Use Bluetooth connection for connecting to FM3001 from mobile app.

2. Request data from FM3001 device via status transfer protocol. This is the protocol via which device communicates with FMB configurator - to display all the information which is available in "status" window of configurator. Info:

Via this protocol you can get all IO info (including OBD IO) information.

3. Basically you'd need to configure FM3001 device to save no records and do no records sending (i guess). But you'd have say all or most of OBD II IO elements configured with "monitoring" status. In this operation - the device would still read OBD II data and update it to IO elements. And you could read all this data via status transfer protocol via bluetooth connection.

But this way you still have a problem - because via your mobile app - you will not be able to send data to GPSWox. Because like i mentioned earlier, this service is designed to work with data transmission using vehicle tracker protocols. (in Teltonika's case codec 8 (that's protocol) for data sending to server).

So to make this all work. You'd have to get "status transfer" protocol documentation from Teltonika. And then documentation for how to implement data sending from mobile app -> to GPSWox.

Not sure if you really want to go this way. For protocols acquisition - you'd have to contact Teltonika sales.

I'd suggest for you to go simpler way - to use FM3001 (if they fit your requirements) - and to let the device do data reading from OBD II and data sending to GPSWox server. It'd be way easier.

Ofcourse if you really want to do it your way - like getting data from FM3001 to your mobile app -> and then sending it to GPSWox. It is possible. But will require way more development time from your side. That and with presumption that you will be able to acquire protocols you need to develop this all.


Services like GPSWox - acquire data from AVL (vehicle trackers) and that data includes GPS coordinates + all other additional data (can be OBD II data in this case). Because main goal - is to visualise GPS track of device. And additionally provide all other useful information (CAN, OBD II etc etc).
by anonymous
Well, we really have to use Bluetooth

Our client is a big corporate car rental company with more than 1500 cars, for some reasons they dont want to use SIM, thats why I thought I have to use Bluetooth to accomodate their needs.

This would be our hard job to explore the protocol to fit GPSWox’s requirements.