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in Vehicle tracking by

Good afternoon, I'm currently managing to send commands via TCP / ip like "setparam" and another line "setdigout 1 60" How to send these two commands on just one line? "setparam 10005: 30; 10055: 30 and setdigout 1 60"

2 Answers

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I tried this command by changing the command amount to 02, to no avail.
he set DIOUT1 HIGH for 60 seconds success, but error parameters.

setdigout 1 60; setparam 10005:30;10055:30

by anonymous

According to the manual:

The message starts with preamble field - four zero bytes. Then goes four bytes data size field (size is calculated from 0x0C field to the second command or response quantity field). Then follows one byte Codec ID field (in Codec 12 it is always 0x0C). Then goes command or response quantity field (it is ignored when parsing the message). After that goes one byte message type field. It can be 0x05 to denote command or 0x06 to denote response. Then follows four bytes command or response size field. After it follows the command or response field itself. After that goes the second command or response quantity field. At the end there’s four bytes CRC field.

You should increase the quantity to 2, and then there should be size of the first command (4 bytes), first command, size of the second command (4 bytes), second command. I'm not sure wether this works, I have a blurry memory that only single command worked here.

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please enginers help