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in Vehicle tracking by anonymous

we are using FMM130 with 03.27.12 Rev:00 FW, for some reason the timestamp in AVL data (Codec 8) is wrong by few months sometimes. It stays the same even after rebooting the device. When connecting to the device with configurator, time of the device is correct and it shows that is has received fix from the GPS-

Thanks in advance for your help,


2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous

I'm not sure if I understand. Timestamp in the configurator is correct but in the records not ?

It must be veryfied with raw records in hex, the issue could be on the server side or device sends old records that are stored in the memory.

Please verify records settings:

GPRS -> Records Settings-> sort by:

oldest - first comes oldest records

newest - first comes newest records.

The issue could be also because server doesn't send proper acknowledgement to device after receiving records so device tries to send them again.

by anonymous
I think the server side can be excluded some other trackers are sending and being decoded correctly.

Below is the example of payload from today:

time when we received this was: 2023-01-09 11:12:03

time I get from avl_data is:  2022-10-18 08:32:40

Kind regards,Michal

by anonymous

It is not timestamp issue, those are records generated on 2022-10-18.

Question is why device sends them.

In first step I recommend to verify configuration.

What is number of records stored in device memory ?

It can be checked with getinfo command:
by anonymous

Hello, thank you for clarification. You are right. I took the tracker for a ride and it was sending old coordinates. Is there a way to read the old records out and clean the memory. Or why would the tracker send the old data in small batches like the one above ?
by anonymous

Records that could not be sent to the server are stored in device memory.

Records that were succesfully sent are deleted from the memory.

After link with the server is established, all records from the memory are sent to the server, the order they are sent depends on device configuration (from oldest or from newest),

When using TCP/IP protocol, record will be cleared from the memory after it has been sent only if proper acknowledgement is sent from server to device according to codec 8 documentation:

To verify if records are succesfully sent and then removed from device memory you schould check number of records saved in device memory with getinfo command. If REC parameter is growing while records are received to the server it means that they are not removed.

To clear device memory, use format button in device configurator (Status tab) or deleterecords SMS/GPRS command:
by anonymous
many thanks, I have two more questions:

- is there some tool that can decode the  bin file downloaded via configurator SW to text file with decoded records ?

- we are currently using some server python code from github, is there a Teltonika server SW that is available and can be shared with us?

Kind regards,

by anonymous

Please note, that we do not share any files on Crowd support. Downloaded .bin file can be opened with any Hex editor.

List of supported platforms is available on Teltonika wiki:

by anonymous
yes I know, but I have downloaded many records and need to evaluate them. That is not really practical in HEX editor.
by anonymous
To receive tool to decode records from bin file, please open new ticket in VIP Helpdesk. If you don't have VIP Helpdesk login. please contact with your Sales Manager. If you don't have any contacts with our Sale managers, please contact with them on our official website and click on the "Contact Us" button. When you will click, please fill the form and submit it. Note: as a topic, please choose "Vehicle telematics".

Best Regards
by anonymous
Thank you I will do so.
0 votes
by anonymous

Hello, thank you for clarification. You are right. I took the tracker for a ride and it was sending old coordinates. Is there a way to read the old records out and clean the memory. Or why would the tracker send the old data in small batches like the one above ?