Good day,
I am trying to implement codec 12 to try and poll a device on rs485 using a fmb125 as per this documentation:
Now the example message GETINFO is working and replies to me.
I send:
and get a response:
`{00}{00}{00}{00}{00}{00}{00}™{0C}{01}{06}{00}{00}{00}‘RTC:2021/1/11 4:4 Init:2021/1/11 3:49 UpTime:939s PWR:PwrVoltage RST:0 GPS:3 SAT:6 TTFF:84 TTLF:84 NOGPS:0:0 SR:0 FG:0 FL:0 SMS:0 REC:6 MD:4 DB:0{01}{00}{00})`
Now when I try and send my own custom message (modbus via rs485)
I send:
'00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 0C 01 05 00 00 00 08 65 03 00 01 00 08 1D E8 01 00 00 DA 8B'
I then see my device flash (it gets the message and responds).
However I do not get any message or response back on the server, I can even try writing to the serial port from my pc, and it doesn't send anything to the server.
Here is the device settings:
I have been looking in the logs to see why i'ts maybe not replying and I can see this:
What would cause this error?
What am I missing here?