"Bluetooth 4.0" paragraph in configurator (when connected to device) is displayed only if device supports BLE. Earliest FMB devices did not support BLE.
Also supported BLE temperature/humidity sensors in latest 03.18.xx FW version are only TZBT sensors.
User manual of TZBT:
From firmware side ble sensors support (TZBT) was added since 03.04.xx+. Later expanded to include: TZ-BT04/05/05B type sensors.
So basically if your device has FW version 03.04.xx+ and it does not display in FMB configurator bluetooth 4.0 section -> it means your device does not support BLE.
Only earliest generations of FMB devices did not support BLE. All current latest FMB devices - do support BLE.
How to know if your device supports BLE or not?
.info command
And in response there will be
BT: X or BLE:X i forgot.
You can also send "getver" sms/gprs command to device:
Response will have: BT:3/4.
Those TZBT sensors - BLE only. So device must support BLE (BT:4) in order to be able to work with those sensors.